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JAEA Reports

Modification of the evaluation model for Pu redistribution phenomena

Ishii, Tetsuya; ;

JNC TN9400 2000-045, 64 Pages, 2000/03


During the irradiation, the Pu redistribution phenomena would occur in the FBR MOX fuel pellets. The phenomena would considerably affect on the thermal properties of the fuels, therefore, it is need to establish the evaluation method for Pu redistribution phenomena. ln JNC, the efforts for development of the evaluation model for the phenomena had been continued and the simple evaluation model was constructed in 1992. In this work, the modification of the simple model developed in JNC has been done and the following results were obtained. (1)Based on the recent data of the MOX fuel irradiation tests, the evaluation model for Pu redistribution phenomena constructed in l992 is modified. And the model is included into the fuel performance analysis code "CEDAR". (2)To calibrate the modified CEDAR code, it is confirmed that the uncertainty in the Pu concentration evaluation for the center of the fuel pellet at EOL is about $$pm$$3wt.%. (3)Based on the results of the evaluations using the modified CEDAR code, it is found that, in the early stage of the irradiation, the Pu redistribution is controlled by the vapor transportation mechanism via pores, and after that, the Pu redistribution is kept in progress due to the thermal diffusion mechanism with the change of the Pu concentration due to the degradation of U and Pu by fissions. And it is also found that the O/M ratio dependence of the U-Pu inter diffusion coefficients would affect on the Pu redistribution mechanisms, in especial, in the early stage of the irradiation.

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